Thursday, June 17, 2010

Now I'm Nervous!!!

Okay, so since I started this things have finally changed! The insurance finally okay-ed and pre-authorized all of my work! So, while I was preparing to have the surgery and get my dentures at the end of this month, June 26th, the dental office called and asked if I'd like to move it up a week! That's right! So, now, I've got 2 days until I have all of my teeth either pulled or cut out, move across the hall to have my alveoplasty to smooth out my bone so that I won't have sore spots when my gums heal and grow over where the teeth previously were. Unfortunately, I won't be able to be knocked out like we'd hoped- we don't have an extra $400 for that and insurance won't cover it (poo on insurance)- so I'll be jabbed and poked and wide awake! But I'll load up on Ibuprofen to help with pain and swelling- as much as can be done. So, I'm hoping that I can grab some Chinese for dinner and tomorrow grill some great salmon with s'mores for desert! Then, I'll just lock myself away in my room so my hubby and kids don't have to see me all bruised and swollen. I may cry.
If anyone is reading and has gone through this, please, please, please reassure me that I'll be okay and it's not as bad as I'm imagining?! I had myself all psyched up and ready for next weekend, and I know I should be excited to get it done with sooner- the 4th of July should be better than I had thought it would be, less sore.
So, I'll try to get back as soon as possible and let everyone (if there is anyone) know how it went and how I'm doing. I have finally told my Mom- and she undoubtedly told everyone in our family where she lives- including my nearly perfect sister! Oh well... people will know eventually.
Have a great weekend! I hope I do.